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These establishments have adopted The Better Chicken Option!

Binalot, the ultimate Filipino food experience, is proudly part of The Better Chicken Option, choosing only sources that will comply with the 7 standards for the better welfare of chickens.

Angel’s Pizza was one of those restaurants who came out with a statement of support for PAWS’ The Better Chicken Option last year- stating that it was looking into sources of higher welfare chickens as recommended by PAWS. This month, Angel’s procured chickens raised in an actual TBCO farm and we are hopeful that this is the start of something better for farmed chickens everywhere.

Tien Ma’s is serving chicken that was raised in a higher welfare farm. The chickens experienced scratching, perching and were slow-growing at a healthy rate compared to the ones commonly used by the chicken industry. For those who still eat chicken, you can be assured of Tien Ma’s delicious chicken meals with added value for health (no antibiotics) and plus points for farmed animal welfare.

Figaro Coffee chicken meals now use meat from chickens raised in better conditions following the seven standards of The Better Chicken Option (TBCO). If you believe along with us that more humane farming methods should be used, allowing chickens to scratch, perch and grow at slower, more natural rates, choose The Better Chicken Option.